Stream high-quality video to any device, anywhere, when you try Adaptive Media Delivery.

Sign up for your free trial today—no commitment, no hassle.

Submit your information and we’ll set you up with a free, no commitment trial to Adaptive Media Delivery. It’s easy — there’s nothing to download, and no complicated setup required. Get started in minutes. Then relax knowing your audience can enjoy high-quality, uninterrupted video streaming at all times, no matter which network or device they’re on.

What it includes:

  • Full access to features that the world’s most influential online brands use to deliver the largest video-streaming events and services
  • Delivery on the Akamai Intelligent Platform™, which dynamically and intelligently distributes traffic to ensure rapid scalability and 100% availability
  • 250,000 GB of HTTP traffic per month for the duration of the trial
  • HTTPS option for security

“... Akamai’s online video delivery technology helped set the stage for what was an unprecedented level of digital coverage from Rio. We not only set new benchmarks for the amount of content delivered; we also for the first time live-streamed to connected TVs and introduced virtual reality experiences, all of which provided viewers with more choice than ever for how, when, and where they were able to enjoy NBC Olympics coverage from Rio.”

- NBC Sports Group on the 2016 Rio Olympics