

Using Akamai’s Property Manager API


  • Kirsten

    Kirsten Hunter

    API Evangelist, Akamai
  • Jay

    Jay Sikkeland

    Senior Product Manager, Akamai


Our newly GA’d Property Manager API (or PAPI) is a powerful tool for configuring Akamai properties. Akamai customers can leverage the API to create, update, and deploy websites to the edge.

Included in the GA release is new functionality designed to streamline your use of the system, such as a search endpoint, and variables that can be used to customize your rules.

Additionally, we have developed an open-source Akamai CLI to interact with the system more directly. This tool is designed to enable you to integrate Akamai into your CI/CD environments and automate common tasks easily and effectively.

We are also very excited to announce some upcoming releases — particularly the addition of custom behaviors. This means that once a behavior is set up in the system, you will be able to reuse it among different properties — without the assistance of Akamai staff.

Watch our webinar to learn about:

  • - An overview of the Property Manager API and custom behaviors
  • - Using the Akamai CLI to create and update a property
  • - Creating and updating a property using PAPI directly