The Cyber Security Balancing Act

Improving WAF Accuracy

Download the Akamai white paper, The Cyber Security Balancing Act: Improving WAF Accuracy without Impacting Legitimate Users and gain insight into WAF accuracy, testing and devaluation.

What you need to know

  • Most WAF solutions come with pre-configured rule sets, but it’s usually a challenge to adjust rules to the realities of a changing business environment
  • Managing and fine tuning WAF rules are very time consuming tasks beyond the skills and resources of most internal IT organizations
  • If a WAF is not deployed correctly or fine-tuned regularly, legitimate user traffic can be blocked, resulting in a poor user experience and potentially lost revenues

What you'll learn

  • How to improve WAF accuracy as part of a comprehensive cyber security defense
  • How a single measure for evaluating WAF performance can reduce the percentage of false positives that adversely affect legitimate users and negatively impact the business
  • Why determining WAF accuracy only by percentage of blocked attacks alone is no longer relevant
  • Why an automated WAF testing framework is the missing piece of the accuracy equation and how it can prove that a rule change is improving WAF accuracy
  • How Akamai harnesses big data to create the most effective WAF testing framework